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About Nubi

Nubi is a cloud first Fintech company that was born in 2017 with the PayPal-to-Argentina service, a product that was created with the purpose of letting people bring  funds from the PayPal’s wallet to the Argentine financial system. This product has a reachead active 160,000 users.

Nubi is a 100% cloud company based on AWS, with main focus is growing as the aligned with the business. The security and scalability are critical points. They state that any company that hasn’t adopted this methodology of having the infrastructure in the cloud has a higher demand in terms of cost and productivity.

The company added a lot of products over the years. Among them TransferWise had the idea of connecting any bank in Argentina with any other in the world. By the year 2019, a third Ripel product was included with the idea of connecting any PCP with their product. They are currently working with a strong focus on launching a new product on the market: “The digital wallet”.


The Challenge & Our Approach

Nubi started working with DinoCloud in the mid-2019 at a critical moment in the development of the digital wallet focusing the program on this particular product with the idea of ​​extend it to the other ones.

Based on the Well-ArchitectedFramework, they decided to begin operating on the security pillar, where they took advantage of the external gaze, which was considered extremely important for any company. The 2-3 days review was performed with a subsequent remediation plan that was satisfactory in terms of exposing what they already had, and having DinoCloud’s experts in the latest AWS services, which provided them the visibility and guide in the current AWS practices.

Juan Ignacio Batista

Nubi IT Manage

“Perhaps, day-to-day you don’t have full visibility of what you have or how you have it, so you may miss fundamental points. It was satisfactory to be able to do it in a review program with DinoCloud. We were able to see how we were thinking, adopting new methodologies and aim to a new objective based on better resources, under the pillars that we prioritize.”

The Result

From its beginnings Nubi was in the cloud in constant growth, launching new products to the market. Working alongside DinoCloud under the Well-Architected™ Program allowed them to visualize the state of the infrastructure in the cloud, adopt methodologies and implement new AWS practices, based on the pillars of operational excellence, security, cost optimization, reliability, and performance.

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